Since 1981
the langston hughes review editorial board
The Langston Hughes Review is supported by an incredible team of scholars who comprise the Editorial Board for the journal under the current editorship of Dr. Tony Bolden. Listed below are the current members of the Editorial Board.
Tony Bolden, University of Kansas
Consulting Editors
Maryemma Graham, University of Kansas
Edgar Tidwell, University of Kansas
Book Review Editor
Kenton Rambsy, University of Texas at Arlington
Poetry Editor
Tara Betts
Editorial Board
Adam J. Banks, Stanford University
Wallis C. Baxter III, Langston Hughes Society
Herman Beavers, University of Pennsylvania
Adam Bradley, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tara T. Green, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Donna Akiba Sullivan Harper, Spelman College
Scott Heath, Georgia State University
DaMaris B. Hill, University of Kentucky
Clarence Lang, University of Kansas
Keith Leonard, American University
Thabiti Lewis, Washington State University
Jean-Philippe Marcoux, Universite Laval, Canada
R. Baxter Miller, University of Georgia
Michael New, Saint Anselm College
Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Pennsyvania State University
Kinohi Nishikawa, Princeton University
Howard Rambsy II, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Kathy Lou Schultz, University of Memphis
Jim Smethurst, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Steven C. Tracy, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Frank X. Walker, University of Kentucky
Jerry W. Ward Jr., Independent Scholar
Autumn Womack, Princeton University